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Sentinel mainnet
Chain ID: sentinelhub-2
Status: Online


Sentinel is an open source framework for a network of nodes on which Decentralized VPNs and other Web3 services are built. The purpose of the Sentinel ecosystem is to empower universal access to the internet in a trusted and provable manner. This will be done by allowing organizations and individuals around the world to construct decentralized, scalable, distributed networking solutions on Sentinel’s Cosmos-based blockchain in a cost-effective manner.

Our Contributions

Busurnode stands out in the Sentinel network with its exceptional RPC network, featuring the largest geo-load balancing setup available. This advanced infrastructure ensures seamless communication, providing unparalleled speed and reliability for users worldwide. In addition to managing the RPC network, Busurnode has critical infrastructure components such as Snapshots, Seeds, and Peers, offering full support for Sentinel blockchain node operators. These services simplify node setup and maintenance, empowering operators to easily participate in the network.

Busurnode also delivers reliable DVPN nodes across more than 55 countries, enhancing global accessibility and security within the network. To further support DVPN node runners, Busurnode manages SentNodes.com, a specialized monitoring tool that allows operators to efficiently track and manage node performance. Additionally, Busurnode operates an IBC relayer, facilitating cross-chain transfers and contributing to the broader Cosmos ecosystem. Through these offerings, Busurnode plays a crucial role in strengthening the Sentinel network, providing secure and robust solutions for decentralized services.


RPC Endpoints
Endpoint Location Status
https://rpc-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Global Online
https://as-rpc-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Asia Online
https://eu-rpc-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Europe Online
https://na-rpc-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 North America Online
API Endpoints
Endpoint Location Status
https://api-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Global Online
https://as-api-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Asia Online
https://eu-api-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Europe Online
https://na-api-sentinel.busurnode.com:443 North America Online
gRPC Endpoints
Endpoint Status
grpc.sentinel.busurnode.com:443 Online


Our Public Nodes in Operations
Name Location Status
Chie Singapore Online
Haru India Online
Suzu United Kingdom Online
Saki Germany Online
Mizu United States Online
Tsuki United States Online
Yume Canada Online


Below are our public peers, you can add them to your persistent_peers in config.toml


If you need seeds for your node, below are our seed nodes:

State Sync

In case you want to do state-sync, here is our state-sync enabled RPC, you can adjust on the [statesync] section in config.yoml
If you want to cleanup or start a new node without waiting for a long synchronization time, you can use our snapshot service.

Create a reusable shell script, for example statesync.sh with the following code. This script will fetch essential state-sync information (like block height and trust hash) from our server and update your config.toml file accordingly.
LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s $SNAP_RPC/block | jq -r .result.block.header.height); \
TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "$SNAP_RPC/block?height=$BLOCK_HEIGHT" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash)

sed -i.bak -E "s|^(enable[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1true| ; \
s|^(rpc_servers[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$SNAP_RPC,$SNAP_RPC\"| ; \
s|^(trust_height[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1$BLOCK_HEIGHT| ; \
s|^(trust_hash[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$TRUST_HASH\"|" $HOME/.sentinelhub/config/config.toml

Grant execution privileges to the script and run it
chmod 700 statesync.sh

Stop the node
sudo service sentinelhub stop

Reset the node
sentinelhub tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.sentinelhub --keep-addr-book

Restart the node
sudo service sentinelhub start

If everything is set up correctly, your node should begin syncing within 10 minutes.


Available snapshot files:
Height Size Updated Download
19786761 1.74 GB 20 minutes ago 19786761.tar.lz4
19784331 1.77 GB 4 hours ago 19784331.tar.lz4
19781896 1.73 GB 8 hours ago 19781896.tar.lz4
Note: Snapshot are taken periodically every ~4hrs.

To simplify the re-sync from snapshot process, log in as the user running the sentinel service and create a reusable shell script, such as snapsync.sh with the following code. Make sure to update SERVICE_NAME if you use service name other than 'sentinelhub'.

# Service Name (update this if you use service name other than 'sentinelhub')

# Install required package
echo "Installing required package"
sudo apt install -y lz4 jq curl > /dev/null 2>&1

# Get Latest Snapshot URL
API_REQUEST=$(curl -s https://busurnode.com/api/v1/snapshot/mainnet/sentinel)
IS_SUCCESS=$(echo $API_REQUEST | jq -r '.success')
if [ "$IS_SUCCESS" = "true" ]; then
  SNAPSHOT_URL=$(echo $API_REQUEST | jq -r '.data.snapshot.url')
  echo "Latest Snapshot URL: $SNAPSHOT_URL"
  echo "Error fetching latest snapshot from Busurnode API"
  exit 1

# Download the latest snapshot and save it as sentinel_snapshot.tar.lz4
echo "Downloading the latest snapshot..."
curl -L --progress-bar -o "$HOME/sentinel_snapshot.tar.lz4" "$SNAPSHOT_URL"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$HOME/sentinel_snapshot.tar.lz4" ]; then
  echo "Download complete: $HOME/sentinel_snapshot.tar.lz4"
  echo "Error: Download failed."
  exit 1

# Stop the sentinel service
echo "Stopping the sentinel service..."
sudo service $SERVICE_NAME stop

# Copy the validator state JSON file
cd $HOME
cp ~/.sentinelhub/data/priv_validator_state.json ~/.sentinelhub/priv_validator_state.json

# Reset Tendermint state
sentinelhub tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home $HOME/.sentinelhub --keep-addr-book

# Extract the snapshot
echo "Extracting snapshot..."
lz4 -c -d $HOME/sentinel_snapshot.tar.lz4 | tar -x -C $HOME/.sentinelhub
rm $HOME/sentinel_snapshot.tar.lz4

# Replace priv_validator_state from backup
cp ~/.sentinelhub/priv_validator_state.json ~/.sentinelhub/data/priv_validator_state.json

# Start the sentinel service
echo "Starting the sentinel service..."
sudo service $SERVICE_NAME start
echo "Process complete."

Grant execution privileges to the script and run it
chmod 700 snapsync.sh

After that, make sure your node is running
sudo service sentinelhub status
sudo journalctl -u sentinelhub.service -f --output=cat


This page showing data of 141 active blockchain nodes on Sentinel network obtained from our network scanner, updated every 5 minutes.
Please note that this page might not displaying all the active nodes on the network.

Decentralization Map

Active Nodes

Moniker Continent Country City
Keep away from children NA United States Ashburn
SuchNode-DE-1 EU Germany Falkenstein
SuchNode-US-2 NA United States Kansas City
hello-sentinel-relayer EU Finland Helsinki
Busurnode EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
Busurnode NA Canada Toronto
Busurnode EU United Kingdom London
Cosmostation NA Canada Longueuil
Busurnode AS India Mumbai
hello-sentinel-backup EU Finland Helsinki
Sentinel EU Finland Helsinki
Busurnode NA United States Tampa
Busurnode AS Singapore Singapore
SentinelGrowthDAO EU Austria Vienna
Tkd-Alex NA United States Draper
RoomIT EU Finland Helsinki
SentinelGrowthDAO AS Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui
Busurnode AS Indonesia Tangerang
SentinelGrowthDAO NA United States Deer Valley
Benjilious2 EU Germany Falkenstein
zeroservices EU The Netherlands Heerlen
Consensus One EU Poland Warsaw
hello-sentinel-relayer EU Finland Helsinki
dvMiku Validator EU Finland Helsinki
BlueFren EU The Netherlands Amsterdam
MathNodes EU Finland Helsinki
SuchNode-FI-1 EU Finland Helsinki
NodesHub-sentinel-main EU Finland Helsinki
Trinity Stake EU Germany Düsseldorf
IBS EU France Lauterbourg
KalpaTech EU Germany Falkenstein
Tendermint EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
ChainTools EU France Roubaix
Tendermint EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
LithiumDigital-sentinel-main EU France Paris
Coef 120 EU France Paris
Busurnode EU France Roubaix
Stake Frites Validators NA Canada Montréal
sentinel-relayer_mainnet-CroutonDigital EU Germany Falkenstein
neobase EU Germany Limburg an der Lahn
SentinelGrowthDAO NA United States Ashburn
Trinity Stake EU Germany Düsseldorf
freak12techno EU Russia Moscow
A4ADAO EU Finland Helsinki
UbikCapital EU Germany Falkenstein
sentinel-node EU Germany Nuremberg
query-server-1 AS Singapore Singapore
sentry1 EU France Roubaix
Busurnode EU Austria Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Cosmostation NA Canada Montréal
hello-sentinel-main EU France Roubaix
Deccloud Nodes Lab EU Russia Saint Petersburg
Sentry1-ValidatorNode NA United States Dallas
Noncompliant Network NA United States Los Angeles
SentinelGrowthDAO AS Singapore Singapore
BenjiNode-2 EU Germany Nürnberg
Tendermint NA United States Ashburn
Decloud Nodes Lab service node EU Russia Saint Petersburg
MathNodes-GRPC AS Singapore Singapore
Strata One EU Germany Falkenstein
2-private-node AS Singapore Singapore
Mandragora EU Germany Düsseldorf
Snow Fall EU Germany Falkenstein
Winding EU Germany Falkenstein
SentinelGrowthDAO EU Germany Elxleben
ValidatorNode NA United States Dallas
Bitveil EU France Paris
omniflix EU Finland Helsinki
Tendermint AS Japan Tokyo
Wanderer EU Germany Falkenstein
Stakewolle EU France Roubaix
MathNodes EU Finland Helsinki
Busurnode NA United States Deer Valley
sentry-sentinel EU The Netherlands Amsterdam
01no.de EU Romania Bucharest
12345 EU Russia Moscow
CommunityStaking EU Finland Helsinki
SpacePotato NA United States North Bergen
YOUR_MONIKER EU Finland Helsinki
LittleFox EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
Nous Host NA United States Dallas
MathNodes China AS Hong Kong Hong Kong
Tendermint NA United States Ashburn
exnihilo.validator NA United States St Louis
sentinelgrowthdao EU Belgium Ostend
Noderunners EU Russia Moscow
Tendermint NA United States Ashburn
SmartNodes EU United Kingdom London
Avril14th EU Finland Helsinki
liquify-ger1 EU Lithuania Panevėžys
ChronoBit|RPC AF South Africa Westonaria
csc17 EU Germany Karlsruhe
CryptoNet NA Canada Montréal
Making.cash EU Finland Helsinki
sentinel-rpc EU Finland Helsinki
Tendermint EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
ValidatorNode_Sentry2 NA United States New York City
ValidatorNode_Sentry1 NA United States St Louis
Ungovernable NA Canada Montréal
CosmicNode EU Finland Helsinki
NorthCap EU Finland Helsinki
openstake.net NA United States Ashburn
MedasComputers EU Germany Krefeld
Mainnet | Docker NA United States Denver
UbikCapital EU Germany Düsseldorf
Roomit | service AS Indonesia Jakarta
Tendermint NA United States Ashburn
Chronobit|Enterprise AF South Africa Westonaria
Tendermint EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
MathNodes Romania EU Romania Bistriţa
AP Node AtmosferMuda AS Singapore Singapore
AtmosferMuda EU Node EU Germany Düsseldorf
The world is square NA United States Columbus
exnihilo.validator EU United Kingdom Portsmouth
cosmic-node EU Germany Nürnberg
sentinel-fra1-2-public-statefulset-0 EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
thechickencoop NA United States New Kensington
StakeLab EU Finland Helsinki
norselabs NA United States Dallas
sentinel EU Germany Nürnberg
DragonStake-ovh2 NA Canada Montréal
AtmosferMuda EU Poland Warsaw
YOUR_MONIKER EU Germany Falkenstein
w41e6p315g8q EU Poland Warsaw
freak12techno EU Germany Waldbrunn
Busurnode EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
Tendermint AS Japan Tokyo
Foxinodes EU Germany Düsseldorf
Tendermint EU Germany Frankfurt am Main
ex7783la20tl EU Poland Warsaw
Coinpayu NA United States Bend
node EU France Roubaix
CommunityStakingFullArchiveNode EU Finland Helsinki
easy2stake EU Germany Falkenstein
sentry EU Germany Falkenstein
ChainToolsNode EU France Roubaix
GalaxyDigital EU Ireland Dublin
sentinel-node EU Finland Helsinki
BlackTurtleNode-TurtleNetwork EU Belgium Antwerpen
RPCIBS EU France Grenoble
explorer-1 NA United States Atlanta